Friday 10 November 2017

The Lost and Found Fibonacci Patchwork Quilt

The Lost and Found Fibonacci Patchwork Quilt

I swim every day in the sea at Torre Abbey Steps in Torquay, often joined by other regulars who share the same enthusiasm and pitch up at the same time.  Topics of conversation are wide ranging but often refer to sea state, weather conditions and the inane comments that people make when passing.  There are only so many ways you can answer to "Is it cold in there?" or "you are brave"  My general response is to smile and reply nicely that the sea state is Caribbean......

Anyway one day I was talking, unusually off topic about my love of textiles and in particular the fibonacci quilts and waistcoats I created at Cockington Court. See  and A regular swimmer called Laird overheard the conversation and had a recollection of me teaching his late mother, Elizabeth over 25 years ago.  It was rather wonderful to recall to Laird what a clever and dedicated needlewoman she was.   I talked about the regular Tuesday group and how she added her enthusiasms and things we talked about.   We discussed the work she created and I could recall one very large hexagonal quilt which Laird had inherited and another wall hanging created using glazed cotton chintz that he did not recall.

This piece of work suddenly re-surfaced after he mentioned it to another family member.  It had been hiding, folded and unappreciated in a cupboard.  Laird showed me and it was a delight for me to see after all these years and wonderful that Laird has been reunited with a stunning piece of work so lovingly sewn by his late Mother.